Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Game Cover!

Here it is, in the form I will be turning in for class.  (I'm sure it will be improved in the future.)  When I finish my animation for 3D class, I'll post a zip file of manual so you can all look at that.  Hope you like it!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Finally Some Concept Art

Finally got my scanner working, so here's the concept art I should have posted a long time ago.


and Ettie

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Haven't posted in a while

It's been a while since my last post, but that doesn't mean I haven't been doing anything.  My model is nearly complete now.  I just have to finish up her face.  (She needs some eyes)  I had to make some preliminary screenshots for class, so I thought I'd post a couple.  The background is something I just threw together.  And nothing has textures yet, but you can see how the model is looking so far. 


That's all for now.  I'm tired...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Concept Art for World

Well, on Tuesday I almost had a panic attack, because I realized that I had lost my flash drive somewhere.  And it didn't help that I was in class with nothing to do, because stupid me decided to only have one copy of my character model file.  Thank God I left it in the Comm Arts lab and someone turned it in.  I have now saved an extra copy on the school computer and in my email. 

Today I have some concept art for the world of the game.  The pictures show the land of the kuriole (the dark ones) and the land of the shirienne (the light ones), as well as the in between.  The in between is the land that is not owned by either race.  It's going to look pretty normal.  It'll mostly be forests and fields.  The inbetween is also the only area where you see both night and day.  In the two lands owned by the kuriole and the shirienne, the sky never changes. 

The picture I have for the in between is something I painted a few months ago and just decided that it would work.  All the images were painted in Colors for the Nintendo DS, because I'm awesome like that.

These are sort of what the Kuriole land will look like.  I tried to keep them pretty consistent.  Basically, it's always night here, and everything is pretty gothic looking.  But even though it's night there is a redish tint to the sky, making it look like it could just be a really dark day.

The Shirienne land was fun, but I'm not 100% happy with it.  It needs more tweaking.  There should be more super sweet looking stuff around.

Both of the lands have these little glowy particles that float around in the sky.  I'm not exactly sure what they are, I just thought they look cool.  :D

 This is a forest from the in between.  Here it is night, but it can also be day.  There's grass and other normal looking stuff.  It has a slight fantasy-ness to it, though.

That's all for now.  I'm currently rigging Claire, and I'll update with more on that in a little bit.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Another Update

Well, I've been working on my model some more, but the Maya on my lab computer was not working and we had to do this game design contest (which my team won!), so I haven't made as much progress as I would have liked. 

I now have all the limbs connected to the torso, and she has two feet!  You'll finally be able to see the ruffles on the socks that I was talking about as well as some ruffles I added to the sleeves.  All I have left to do is the head.  Then I'll be able to cut down on some of the polygons and add the final details. 

Then I get to start on my gothic character!  She'll be much quicker since I'll just be adapting Claire. 

I haven't forgotten about posting my concept art, I've just been too lazy to plug my scanner in.  I promise I'll upload the pictures, though.  :D

Here are some more progress pictures:


Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Brief Storyline

So here's what I turned in to my class.  It's kind of rough.  I need a reason for the two girls to dislike each other, but I'm not sure I like what I have.  I'm also not sure if I like the name "Ettie".  I was looking up Victorian names and Ettie is short for Henrietta.  I used it, because it's different.  My second choice was Natalie.  Anyone have any ideas?

A Brief Storyline:

Claire and Ettie are two normal 15 year old girls.  At first they are good friends, but an accident during their chemistry class' final lab ends their friendship.  Both girls blame each other for failing the class, but neither one will admit that it was both of their faults.  They eventually become rivals, who can't stand the sight of each other.  One night while sleeping, they find themselves stranded in a dreamworld full of puppets.  Rather than working together, they decide to split up and figure out how to get home by themselves.  

Claire finds herself in the whimsical world inhabited by the Shiriennes, a race of colorful puppet-like creatures.  Their home is drenched with bright colors and is full of clouds and stars.  

Ettie ends up in the dark ethereal world inhabited by the Kuriole.  The Kuriole are quite similar to the Shiriennes, but instead of being brightly colored, they are darker and more gothic in appearance. 

The Shiriennes and the Kuriole are both descended from a common ancestor, but are at war, because they both believe that the other wants to take over their home.  There is a prophesy passed down through the two clans stating that an outsider would come and lead the clan to a victory in the war.  So the Shiriennes ask Claire to lead them and Ettie is asked by the Kuriole to lead them.  Both oblige.  

The girls must travel through their respective worlds, recruiting Shiriennes and Kuriole to aid them.  Each creature has a single power, some stronger than others.  It is up to the girls to gather the strongest, so that they can defeat the other side.  

What the Shiriennes and Kuriole don't know, is that a common enemy is inciting their hatred.  Loki a trickster and his only wish is to cause chaos between the two sides.  In the end, the two sides must overcome their differences and unite to face their common enemy.  

Model Update

Today I showed my model to the class, and they liked it!  I think it especially impressed the illustration students, since they're all new to 3D.

I worked on it for two and a half hours today, and here's what I did:
-Attached the neck to the torso
-Connected the legs
-Gave her boobs
-Made lace sock toppers

The socks make me way more excited than I ought to be.  :D  Can't wait to finish!

More pics to come...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Character update

Because I haven't written out my treatment yet, I'm going to start my first post with a few screenshots of one of the two main characters.  I think her name will be Claire.  I'll post her concept art once I get it scanned.

I'm pretty happy with how she's turning out so far.  Especially since this is my first human character model.  I made the arms in about two afternoons (the hands were a bit of a challenge), and the neck, torso and legs were all made yesterday.

Comments welcome!  Keep in mind that she will be slightly stylized.  I purposely made her legs a little bit longer.                                                                                                                                                    

Still have to make the feet and head.  I can't wait to get started with the details!